lördag 10 november 2012

Tyngdkraften - påverkas


  • Kunna planera ett vetenskapligt experiment genom att ändra en faktor medan man behåller den andra konstant. 
  • Kunna använda mätning för att dra en slutsats och använda naturvetenskap för att förklar slutsatsen. 
  • Förstå att friktion och luftmotstånd är en kraft som saktar ner något som rör sig. 
  • Göra jämförelser och dra slutsatser. 

Gravitation - tyngdkraft
Luftmotstånd -



Explain they are going to investigate a scientific question about forces in a virtual laboratory. Open the online activity on an interactive whiteboard. Show the children how you can set the truck moving, how you can alter the initial gradient of the track, and how you can add parachutes or weights to the track. 

Brainstorm scientific questions you could investigate. 
Choose one question, and ask children how they would investigate this to make it a fair test. 

Which factor would they change and which ones would they keep the same? 
What would they measure or observe? 
Arrange children in pairs or groups, with a computer for each group. 
Let each group decide which question to investigate, think about how will they carry out a fair test and predict what will happen.

 Each group carries out their chosen experiment, and if they have the time, investigates further questions. Explain that, for the plenary, they will need to explain their observations using their knowledge of forces.

Draw diagrams to help children explain their findings using their knowledge of forces.

Which combination of factors will make the car go the furthest? Test the predictions.

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